Trump Elected President Again; 17 Ways Things Will Change- A BIG ONE

If Trump Elected President Again in the run-up to the 2024 elections, analysts have been speculating about the potential shifts in the United States under a second Trump administration. The leading Republican candidate and his supporters have outlined various aspects of their agenda concerning foreign relations, immigration policies, and energy initiatives. Here’s a rundown of 17 anticipated changes the nation might undergo should Trump secure victory in November.

Leaving NATO

Trump Elected President Again, Trump has consistently expressed his disapproval of NATO. During his presidency, he frequently raised the possibility of withdrawing from the security alliance, particularly evident at the 2018 NATO summit. However, he was consistently persuaded against such actions, reportedly by National Security Advisor John Bolton and Vice President Mike Pence. With a potential second term looming, Trump’s intentions regarding NATO remain a topic of discussion.

Despite concerns, Politico recently cited NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg as unworried about the situation, expressing confidence that the United States would continue to be a steadfast ally even if Trump Elected President Again.

New Muslim Ban

Trump Elected President Again, Trump intends to reinstate his travel ban, initially imposed on seven predominantly Muslim nations back in 2017. He aims to broaden its scope to prevent what he describes as “radical Islamic terrorists” from entering the country. Following the October 7 attack by Hamas on Israel, he committed to implementing “ideological screening” for potential immigrants.

According to AP reports, Trump seeks to prohibit individuals he labels as “dangerous lunatics, haters, bigots, and maniacs,” along with those who express sympathy towards radical Islamic terrorists and extremists.

Trump Elected President Again; 17 Ways Things Will Change- CREDIT TIMES RADIO

Dismantling the ‘Deep State’

Trump Elected President Again, According to a report by The New York Times, Trump Elected President Again, Trump’s strategy to dismantle the ‘deep state’ involves implementing an executive order aimed at intimidating civil servants into compliance. This order would transform loyalists into political appointees across various government agencies. Additionally, Trump plans to establish a legal framework enabling him to utilize government resources for self-protection, targeting political adversaries, and advancing his policy agenda without congressional consent.

U.S.-Mexico Border

Trump Elected President Again, Trump has vowed to take drastic measures to curb illegal immigration and halt the invasion of the southern border. He intends to instruct U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to execute the largest deportation operation ever witnessed within the country.

Additionally, the former president has proposed reallocating thousands of federal agents from agencies such as the DEA and the FBI, as well as troops stationed abroad, to bolster immigration enforcement efforts. Furthermore, Trump plans to continue construction on the U.S.-Mexico border wall as part of his strategy.

Tariffs on Foreign Goods

Trump Elected President Again, Trump has announced plans to implement a 10 percent tariff system on a wide range of foreign goods, with the possibility of increased penalties for countries engaging in unfair trade practices like currency manipulation. Additionally, he intends to push Congress to enact the “Trump Reciprocal Trade Act,” granting the president the power to retaliate by imposing tariffs on any nation that imposes them on the United States.

Foreign Policy

Trump has frequently stated his intention to resolve the conflict between Russia and Ukraine within “24 hours.” He plans to achieve this by halting the flow of American funds to Ukraine and seeking reimbursement from European allies for the rebuilding efforts. Additionally, he has pledged continued support for Israel’s actions against Hamas.

Transgender Rights

Trump Elected President Again, Trump has announced his intention to urge Congress to pass legislation asserting that there are only “two genders” determined at birth. In a move to restrict gender-affirming healthcare, the former president plans to withhold federal funding from healthcare providers and hospitals that offer transitional hormones or surgery, citing them as failing to meet federal health and safety criteria.

Additionally, he aims to pressure Congress into prohibiting hormonal or surgical interventions for transgender children across all 50 states.


Trump is setting his sights on making the United States a leader in affordable energy and electricity globally. His strategy, often summed up as “drill, baby, drill,” involves ramping up oil drilling activities on public lands and providing tax incentives to coal, gas, and oil companies. Additionally, he plans to backtrack on proposed pollution regulations that would mandate at least 54 percent of new vehicles to be electric by 2030.


Trump Elected President Again, According to an AP report, Trump has vowed to dismantle the Department of Education and wielded his authority over colleges and local school systems. He intends to prioritize federal funding for states and school districts that eliminate teacher tenure, permit parents to elect school principals directly, and implement merit pay to recognize effective educators.

Additionally, Trump Elected President Again, the former president pledges to encourage prayer in public schools and ensure they instill a sense of patriotism in students, contrary to what he believes is currently being taught.


Trump has announced his plan to address homelessness by establishing tent cities on spacious land parcels, aiming to clear homeless individuals from urban streets. Additionally, he intends to collaborate with states to implement bans on urban camping, with violators facing the option of receiving treatment or facing arrest. Furthermore, he advocates for the reinstatement of large mental health institutions to accommodate individuals deemed “severely mentally ill” or “dangerously deranged.”

Public Safety

The ex-president is advocating for the deployment of the National Guard to cities grappling with high levels of violence, notably Chicago. He’s also endorsing the death penalty for drug smugglers and human traffickers while suggesting a federal intervention in Washington, D.C., which he describes as a “filthy, crime-infested death trap.”

Military Withdrawals

In his initial term in office, Trump expressed a desire to withdraw U.S. troops from Germany, Somalia, and South Korea. There’s speculation that he might proceed with these plans in his second term. A former Pentagon official shared with the Washington Post that this could be just the beginning: “Withdraw all U.S. forces and diplomats from Africa, withdraw all U.S. forces from Germany… And depending on his views of Putin and the conflict in Ukraine, he might just stop the flow of arms, ammunition, and material to Kyiv.”

Loyalists in Office

According to The New York Times, Trump Elected President Again, Trump is assembling a strong team of supporters whom he intends to appoint to various government agencies. Reportedly, organizations like The Heritage Foundation are working alongside numerous other pro-Trump groups to vet candidates, with the aim of presenting around 20,000 potential appointees.

Additionally, the former president is reportedly aiming to assert presidential authority over independent regulatory bodies such as the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission.


Trump Elected President Again, During his first presidential term, Trump nominated three conservative justices to the federal Supreme Court, who were pivotal in the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. It is anticipated that in a potential second term, he would continue appointing judges who align with pro-life views.

However, according to Reuters, the former president believes that a federal ban on abortion is unnecessary and that the matter should be left to individual states to decide. Trump has voiced criticism against the six-week ban advocated by some GOP members, deeming it excessively strict. He maintains that any legislative measures concerning abortion should include provisions for exceptions in cases of rape, incest, and the health of the mother.

Relationship with China

Trump Elected President Again, A significant portion of Trump’s trade strategy is directed towards China. The ex-president has proposed a four-year plan aimed at gradually reducing imports of critical goods from China, such as pharmaceuticals, steel, and electronics. Additionally, he aims to prevent Chinese entities from owning American agricultural, energy, and technological infrastructure.

Political Violence

Ibram X. Kendi, author of the 2019 book How to Be an Antiracist, expressed concern to the Washington Post about the possibility of escalating racism under a second Trump administration. He cautioned that those opposed to Trump’s agenda might not simply acquiesce, predicting a potentially intense ideological and political clash reminiscent of the Reconstruction era, with the potential for violence.

Climate Change

According to Scientific American, numerous conservative groups have united to offer Trump guidance through Project 2025, aiming to increase the use of fossil fuels while restricting government-backed climate science initiatives. If Trump secures another term, he could potentially rely on a biased National Climate Assessment, crafted by researchers loyal to his administration, as a basis for slashing regulations on the fossil fuel sector.


As the possibility of Donald Trump being elected president again looms on the horizon, it invokes a mixture of anticipation, apprehension, and uncertainty among Americans and the global community alike. With his unique brand of populist politics and controversial policies, Trump’s potential return to the White House promises to reignite debates, reshape policies, and redefine America’s role on the world stage.

For his supporters, a second Trump presidency represents a chance to continue the pursuit of an America-first agenda, characterized by promises of economic prosperity, border security, and a tough stance on foreign policy. They view him as a disruptor who challenges the political establishment and champions their concerns, from immigration reform to trade policies.

However, for his critics, the prospect of another Trump administration raises concerns about the erosion of democratic norms, the exacerbation of social divisions, and the rollback of progress on issues like climate change and civil rights. They fear a return to the chaos and controversy that marked his first term, as well as the potential long-term consequences for America’s global standing and reputation.

Ultimately, whether Trump secures another term in office will depend on the outcome of future elections and the dynamics of American politics. Regardless of one’s political affiliation or stance on Trump, his potential reelection underscores the importance of civic engagement, informed voting, and active participation in shaping the future of the nation. The decision rests in the hands of the American people, who will determine the course of their country’s history in the years to come.

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