Trump Determined To Create All-Out Chaos ‘If He Loses’: Analysis- A BIG ONE

Trump Determined To Create All-Out Chaos ‘If He Loses

When Caitlin Huey-Burns from CBS News sat down with Donald Trump on Monday, August 19, the first day of the 2024 Democratic National Convention, she posed a direct question: Would he accept the election results if Vice President Kamala Harris were to defeat him in November?

Trump’s response was cautious, stating that he would need to “see that we had a fair and free election” before committing to accept the outcome.

In an interview with CBS News’ Caitlin Huey-Burns, Donald Trump stated, “I believe actions taken over the past four years will ensure that this is a free and fair election.

However, if I lose — and I truly think that if I lose, this country will spiral into a tailspin like never before, reminiscent of 1929.”

The next day, Hafiz Rashid of The New Republic characterized Trump’s remarks as another alarming instance of his reluctance to “commit to accepting the election results as legitimate if he loses.”

“Kamala Harris’ campaign quickly seized on Trump’s comments, using them to highlight that the man who ignited the ‘Stop the Steal’ movement and played a central role in the January 6 Capitol riots hasn’t changed his stance,” Rashid notes.

“Despite being asked multiple times, Trump has continually avoided directly answering whether he would accept the 2024 election results.”

Rashid expresses concern that Trump and his allies are gearing up to create significant disruption if Harris emerges victorious.

“The former president and his convicted associates are maneuvering to undermine and potentially sabotage the upcoming November election in favor of Republicans,” Rashid cautions.

“Some of these individuals hold positions as election officials in crucial states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, and they are taking cues from Trump and his campaign.”

He continues, “Those who support democracy must remain vigilant to guarantee that the election results are fair and untainted, with less than three months to go.”

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