That’s Why ‘We Fought the Revolutionary War’: DONALD TRUMP SAYS.

CNN’s Manu Raju recently interviewed several Republican senators regarding former President Donald Trump’s claim before the Supreme Court that former presidents should have absolute immunity. Raju reported on these interviews Sunday, focusing on the potential political impact of Trump’s trial over hush money payments to a porn star.

Raju explained, “There’s a separate question about whether Donald Trump deserves absolute immunity from criminal charges. This argument is being made before the Supreme Court and could potentially block two federal criminal cases against him.”

“I posed this question to several senators last week, and some of them disagree with Trump’s argument,” Raju continued. Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) stated, “I don’t believe anybody deserves absolute immunity. The concept of absolute immunity is what we rejected during the Revolutionary War. Kings have absolute immunity; I don’t believe presidents should.”

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) added, “If a president ordered the assassination of Manu Raju, I don’t think they should be immune from prosecution.”

Raju then addressed the political implications, noting, “The current question is how the hush money case will impact November’s election and the down-ticket races. Many Republicans in swing districts I spoke with said they would still align themselves with Trump and campaign with him, even if he is a convicted felon. However, some in more vulnerable districts declined to comment until a verdict is reached.”

7 thoughts on “That’s Why ‘We Fought the Revolutionary War’: DONALD TRUMP SAYS.

  1. This is EXACTLY what Trump wants….. to be a KING and never have to leave office and be able to do whatever he wants without repricussions. He once said he he stand in the middle of Times Square and shoot someone and nobody would care.
    He’s wrong! He MUST be stopped

    1. I couldn’t agree more, with every word you said, actually. King or dictator, he doesn’t care what he’s called, because they both mean he’s not leaving office until he dies, basically. He’s dangerous, and he’s he’s determined to be the downfall of democracy. I’m both terrified and furious. We gotta stop this guy. And not only him, but everyone around him; especially every senator and representative, governors, etc. Because they are all just taking notes and making plans to come back bigger.

      1. The Scotus is under the scrutiny of reputable media like CNN? Not Fox, good ‘ol Murdock was sued for 3.5 billion dollars, which caused him to acuess and pay what they could barely afford? Which is what I can hardly recall the sum of money judge ordered Fox to pay!! It was good to see Fox BROUGHT to his knees along with it’s correspondents.

        1. I’m amazed at the super glue that keeps 6 Supreme Court Justice’s lips stuck so tight to trumpes ass. From the recent court remarks it doesn’t seem like that is a nice place to be attached.

    2. I am still trying to understand why in the hell you fellow Americans are without any memory at all.
      Especially you idiot Republicans who seem to be so freaking frightened of trumpet!! And that if you displeasure him (Trump) that he may blow your house in!!!!
      Grow the fuxk up! All you bloody whining simpletons American Republicans who think they Like trump have absolute amunity! Well guess what, he doesn’t have absolute annuity!!

  2. The President of the United States IS NOT A KING!!! I said this when he was running for president, trump has NO UNDERSTANDING of the separate branches of Government, and the CHECKS AND BALANCES between them. He should NEVER HAVE BEEN ELECTED president, and trump must NEVER be anywhere NEAR THE OVAL OFFICE AGAIN!!!

  3. It is obvious a president does not enjoy absolute immunity as it would make him a king, emperor, or dictator (which is what Trump aspires to.) Only this SCOTUS could ponder the matter for this long!

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