Donald Trump Will Change This 17 Things If Reelected- LGBT & ABORTION IN LIST

In 2024, experts have speculated on potential changes the United States could undergo if Trump were to secure reelection.

Former President Trump and his inner circle have discussed their intentions concerning various areas such as the southern border, energy policies, and foreign relations. Let’s examine 17 potential shifts the U.S. might experience should Trump emerge victorious in the November election.


Donald Trump Will Change This 17 Things: In contemplating the potential ramifications of a second term for former President Donald Trump, numerous aspects of American society could undergo significant shifts.

From policies to cultural dynamics, the landscape could see notable transformations across various sectors.These changes may encompass alterations in economic strategies, international relations, social welfare programs, and environmental policies, among others.

The ramifications could extend beyond domestic affairs, impacting global geopolitics and perceptions of American leadership.Understanding these potential shifts is crucial in assessing the implications of a Trump reelection on both national and international fronts.

Transforming Transgender Rights

ON Donald Trump Will Change This 17 Things: Trump has expressed his intention to push Congress towards passing a bill affirming the existence of “only two genders,” as determined at birth.

Additionally, he aims to crack down on gender-affirming care by discontinuing federal funding to healthcare providers and hospitals offering transitional hormones or surgery. Trump argues that these services fail to meet federal health and safety standards.

Moreover, Trump seeks to urge Congress to enact a nationwide ban on hormonal and surgical interventions for transgender children across all 50 states.

Disassembling the ‘Deep State’

As reported by The New York Times, President Trump’s approach to dismantling the ‘deep state’ involves utilizing executive orders to transition civil servants into political appointees. The intention behind this move is to instill a sense of apprehension, thereby ensuring compliance across various government agencies.

Furthermore, President Trump’s strategy includes establishing a legal framework that would grant him the ability to utilize government resources for personal protection, targeting political adversaries, and advancing policy objectives without the need for congressional approval.

U.S.-Mexico Border

Trump has made a bold declaration to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, asserting his intent to carry out the most extensive domestic deportation operation in American history. He claims that these measures will swiftly halt what he perceives as an “invasion” of the southern border and put an end to illegal immigration.

Furthermore, Trump has pledged to redeploy thousands of federal agents from agencies like the DEA and the FBI, as well as troops stationed overseas, to bolster immigration enforcement efforts. Additionally, he has already laid out plans to resume construction of the U.S.-Mexico border wall.

Saying Goodbye To NATO

Trump’s disdain for NATO has been well-documented over the years. During his presidency, he often voiced threats of withdrawing the US from the security alliance. However, he was reportedly persuaded against such actions by figures like National Security Advisor John Bolton and Vice President Mike Pence.

There’s speculation that Trump might follow through on these threats if he secures a second term. Despite this, NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg remains unfazed. He expressed confidence that the United States will continue to be a steadfast ally, regardless of the election outcome, as reported by Politico.

Tariffs on Foreign Goods

Trump has revealed his intention to implement a system of 10 percent tariffs on the majority of imported goods. He emphasized that these tariffs could be raised further if countries engage in unfair trade practices, such as currency manipulation.

Additionally, Trump will urge Congress to approve the “Trump Reciprocal Trade Act,” granting him the power to retaliate by imposing tariffs on any nation that imposes tariffs on the United States.

The Muslim Ban

Trump is proposing to reinstate his travel ban, focusing on seven Muslim-majority nations, as part of efforts to prevent radical Islamic terrorists from entering the country.

He aims to expand the ban in response to the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel, advocating for “ideological screening” to keep out individuals categorized as “dangerous lunatics, haters, bigots, and maniacs,” according to an Associated Press report.

Energy Matters

Trump aims to secure the United States’ position with the most competitive energy and electricity rates globally. His strategy involves ramping up oil drilling on public lands and providing tax benefits to coal, gas, and oil companies.

His long-term goal is to overturn the suggested pollution regulations, instead setting a mandate for 54% of all vehicles in operation to be electric by 2030.

Foreign Policy

Trump has asserted his intentions to bring an end to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine within a remarkably short span of “24 hours.”

He plans to achieve this by halting the continuous flow of American resources to Ukraine and urging European allies to reimburse the U.S. for efforts to rebuild stockpiles. Additionally, Trump has vowed to support Israel’s endeavors to eradicate Hamas.

War On Homelessness

Trump has proposed acquiring extensive parcels of land to construct tent cities as shelters for the homeless, aiming to relocate them from city streets and out of sight. Additionally, he intends to collaborate with individual states to implement legislation prohibiting urban camping, with violators facing the choice of receiving treatment or facing arrest.

Furthermore, Trump seeks to reinstate large mental institutions to accommodate individuals deemed “severely mentally ill” or “dangerously deranged.”


According to a report by the Associated Press, Trump has expressed his commitment to abolishing the Department of Education and exerting influence over colleges and local school districts. He proposed making federal funding contingent on states and school districts eliminating teacher tenure.

Additionally, he suggested giving parents the authority to choose school principals and implementing merit-based pay to recognize effective teachers. Trump also emphasized his intention to reintroduce prayer in public schools and ensure that they instill patriotism in students rather than promoting hatred towards the country, as he believes is currently being taught.

Removing Military Troops

During his first term as president Trump wanted to bring troops out of Germany, Somalia, and South Korea.

It is possible that he will see these plans through with his second term if he is elected.

Public Safety Matters

Trump plans to bolster security in violence-stricken cities like Chicago by urging the deployment of the National Guard. He advocates for severe penalties, including the death penalty, for drug smugglers and human traffickers.

Additionally, he suggests a federal intervention in Washington, D.C., labeling the capital as a “dirty, crime-ridden death trap.”

Relationship With China

Much of Trump’s focus on trade centers around China. During his tenure, the former president outlined a four-year plan aimed at diminishing America’s reliance on essential goods imported from China. This includes items such as electronic devices, pharmaceuticals, and steel, among others.

Additionally, Trump sought to restrict Chinese companies from acquiring ownership stakes in key American sectors like agriculture, energy, and technology infrastructure. These efforts were part of his broader strategy to rebalance trade relationships and safeguard American interests.

Loyalists in Office

Trump has a significant group of loyal supporters whom he intends to nominate for various government positions. According to reports from The New York Times, organizations like The Heritage Foundation, along with numerous others aligned with Trump, are vetting candidates to potentially fill around 20,000 positions.

Additionally, he seeks to assert influence over independent regulatory bodies such as the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission.


During Trump’s presidency, he appointed three conservative justices to the federal Supreme Court, who played a significant role in the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. If he had secured a second term, it’s likely he would have nominated more pro-life federal judges.

Reuters reported that Trump views the federal ban on abortion as excessive and believes it should be left to individual states to decide. He has criticized the six-week ban supported by some GOP members, stating it’s too severe.

Trump has emphasized the need for any abortion legislation to include exceptions for rape, incest, and the health of the mother.

Climate Change

According to Scientific American, numerous conservative groups have united under Project 2025 to present Trump with a plan aimed at bolstering fossil fuels and curtailing government-backed climate science efforts.

If reelected, Trump might leverage a contentious National Climate Assessment, allegedly crafted by researchers with partisan allegiances to the Trump administration. This assessment could potentially be wielded to justify the relaxation of regulations governing the fossil fuel industry.

Political Violence Issues

Beyond the evident concern of a surge in violent racism escalating under a potential second term of the Trump administration, Ibram X. Kendi, author of the 2019 book “How to Be an Antiracist,” expressed caution to the Washington Post.

Kendi warned that the collision of ideologies, which could potentially escalate to violence, and political clashes would be unprecedented, likening it to a period not witnessed since the Reconstruction era.


Donald Trump Will Change This 17 Things…
In conclusion, the potential reelection of President Trump carries significant implications for numerous aspects of American society.

From healthcare and immigration policies to environmental regulations and international relations, the next four years could witness substantial shifts that will impact individuals, communities, and nations worldwide.

As voters weigh their decisions, it becomes increasingly crucial to consider the long-term ramifications of each candidate’s platform and the potential trajectory of the country under continued leadership or a change in direction.

The outcome of the election will undoubtedly shape the course of America’s future, prompting reflection on its values, priorities, and role on the global stage.

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