iCaster, the premier news website that is decentralized and independent of any government authority. At iCaster, we believe in the power of unbiased journalism and the freedom of speech. Our mission is to provide accurate, reliable, and diverse news coverage to our readers without any external influence or censorship as we not owned or controlled any government authority, political party or corporate entity.

Our team of dedicated journalists and editors are committed to delivering news stories that are thoroughly researched, fact-checked, and presented without bias. We cover a wide range of topics including politics, business, technology, science, arts, and more. Our goal is to provide our readers with a comprehensive understanding of the world around them, empowering them to make inforMe.
Join us at iCaster and experience the freedom of unbiased news reporting as a decentralised online news platform together, we can reshape the future of journalism and ensure that the truth is accessible to all.